- 3 PAGES of JAZZ, BLUES, ROCK, CLASSICAL and EAR TRAINING BOOKs and CDs for GUITAR, BASS and VOICE = Free U.S. postage. Fast Delivery.
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- Jack's CDs, Vinyl, Cassettes - Click on each picture for complete description.
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- THE MARTIN TAYLOR GUITAR METHOD - 88 page book with CD lets you hear, read an playalong with Martin playing his music.
THE MARTIN TAYLOR GUITAR METHOD - 88 page book with CD lets you hear, read an playalong with Martin playing his music.
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by Taylor & Mead
If you are interested in solo (unaccompanied) guitar playing, then this book is for you. Martin at times sounds like a complete band playing melody, harmony and bass lines simultaneously.
If you are interested in solo (unaccompanied) guitar playing, then this book is for you. Martin at times sounds like a complete band playing melody, harmony and bass lines simultaneously.